Monday, June 13, 2022

Caring for an Aging Cat – What You Need to Know

As a pet parent, you would want to provide the best care especially when your cat is already aging. Aging cats will have different needs compared to younger cats.

Here are the things that you need to know when it comes to providing care to your aging cat:

Switch to cat food specially formulated for aging cats.

You can talk to your pet’s vets in Kamloops to determine what has changed when it comes to your cat’s nutritional needs. It’s important to provide a balanced diet to pets. Certain foods might be popular but might not be nutrient-dense. You would want to know what your cat’s nutritional needs are to be able to find the food that can provide these nutrients.

Visit vets in Kamloops as recommended.

It is ideal to visit your pet’s vet at least twice a year to get your cat checked. Geriatric conditions can just appear and you might not be able to spot the signs right away. Getting diagnostic tests can help you understand your pet’s health more. You can go to vet clinics like The Cat Hospital of Kamloopss to better understand what you can do to provide a comfortable life for your pet.

Provide the right level of physical activity.

Some physical activity can help keep senior cats healthy. It can also reduce the risks of arthritis in cats.

You can take your pet out for a walk or ensure that they have enough space at home to walk around.

These are the things that you can do to ensure that your pet will live a comfortable life.

For more details about Best Vets Kamloops BC please visit our website:


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