A routine checkup of cats usually consists of the vet asking you questions about specific habits and behaviours of the cat. They might ask you about their outdoor and indoor lifestyles, general health, litterbox habits, breathing, thirst, exercise, diet, etc.
Other than that, routine checkups involve physical examinations, after which vets in Kamloops are likely to make recommendations and give you prescriptions for treatment if required. The various aspects checked during physical examination include dental health, weight, joint health, coat and skin health, nutrition levels, blood pressure, and parasite checks, along with signs for a disease or anything unusual.
How Long Does a Cat Checkup Take?
A routine cat checkup that consists of learning the cat’s history and performing a careful and thorough physical evaluation can take anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes. If the vet finds something unusual, feels the need for more in-depth examination, or lays out a dietary, nutrition, exercise, or a general health plan to you, the total time can reach up to 45 minutes.
If you are looking for highly specialized and experienced cat-only vets in Kamloops, BC, The Cat Hospital of Kamloops is your go-to place.
Is It Bad to Not Take Your Cat to the Vet?
Some cat owners think performing health examinations of their cats at home will suffice, and some do not bother to do even that. There may be laws requiring you to take your cats to the vet at least once a year, and you may get heavily fined for non-compliance.
Cats rarely reveal signs of sickness. Only experienced and trained vets in Kamloops are equipped with the expertise and tools to diagnose diseases and disorders, such as diabetes, infections, feline AIDS, distemper, rabies, gum disease, obesity, parasites infliction, etc. Remember, your cat relies on you to keep it from being vulnerable and prevent it from illnesses.
For more details about Dental care in Kamloops please visit our website:thecathospital.ca
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