Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Helpful Tips in Choosing the Right Food for Your Cat

When you go to pet shops, you will come across a variety of cat foods. There are wet and dry cat foods. There are canned ones and kibbles. Sorting through your options can be nothing short of daunting.



Know What Your Cat Needs
Before you start checking out food options in the market, you should first identify the nutritional needs of your cat. Cats are carnivores, so they need a steady supply of protein that can be from fish, meat, or poultry.

They also need amino acids like Taurine for growth vitamins minerals, essential fatty acids, and enzymes. They usually don’t need carbohydrates but you will find many of the cat foods out there already come with carbohydrates from the fillers.
Variety is Important
Many cat owners wonder if they should give kibble or canned food. Get both. It’s important for cats to have a varied diet. Canned food contains water, which can be good for cats since they usually don’t drink lots of water. You can also use kibbles if you are going to be away for the rest of the day and your cat is left to free-feed on the kibbles.
When in doubt, go to The Cat Hospital of Kamloops and consult vets in Kamloops BC.  Your cat’s vet can recommend brands of cat food and how to rotate these in your cat’s diet to prevent food fatigue.
These are some of the things that you need to know. Feel free to ask your vet the questions that are plaguing you about your cat’s diet.
For more details about Vets in Kamloops BC please visit our website:


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