Thursday, July 9, 2020

3 Tips to Improve Your Cat’s Oral Health

Oral health in cats is vital. However, it isn’t unheard of for pet owners to overlook signs of poor oral health in cats. If your cat has poor oral health, here are the things that can be done to improve it:
1. Brush their teeth.
Daily brushing can help prevent oral health problems. If you can’t do it daily, you can at least brush your cat’s teeth two times a week. Buy a finger cot or a full glove to protect your hands from bites. Put a little bit of cat toothpaste on a piece of gauze and use that to wipe the teeth. It’s better to allow your cat to get used to brushing. Start training your cat at a young age. If you have your cat from kitten stage, start brushing his or her teeth.
2. Use dental sprays.
If you have trouble brushing your cat’s teeth daily, use dental sprays instead. Just spray it on your cat’s teeth once a day. This will help prevent the build-up of tartar and plaque.
3. Try using water additives.
It will make it easier for you to maintain your cat’s good oral health. Just make sure your cat consumes the water.
Get dental treatments at a Veterinary clinic in Kamloops as well. You can go to a veterinary clinic in Kamloops like The Cat Hospital of Kamloops that provides dental care to cats. Ask about the dental care services that they offer and find out which ones would benefit your cats.
To know more details about Cat Dental Care in Kamloops please visit our website:


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